JSJG (Jing Shi Jin Gang)
A male vocal group formed by Imee Ooi in 2015.
Eight vocalist gathered here with a mission and vision to contribute to a better world with songs of loving kindness, peace and light.
持戒金刚 Precept-holding Vajra - 蔡豫 Chai Yu
无畏金刚 Fearless Vajra - 高伟烈 William Kow
精进金刚 Vigorous Vajra - 王敬嘉 Wong Chin Chia
奋勇金刚 Courageous Vajra - 萧奕煌 Dominic Seow
圆融金刚 Intergrated Vajra - 林智勇 Blake Lim
忍辱金刚 Patient Vajra - 蓝俊荣 Edward Blue
仁慈金刚 Humane Vajra - 陈圣伟 Sam Chin
欢喜金刚 Joyful Vajra - 张峻洁 Chong Choon Keat
1. Nilakantha Dharani 青颈观音陀罗尼(古梵音大悲咒)
2. Medicine Buddha Dharani 药师灌顶真言
3. The Pureland Dharani 拔一切业障根本得生净土陀罗尼
4. Jayamangala Gatha 吉祥胜利偈
5. Morning Prayer 晨祷 (JSJG)
6. Morning Prayer 晨祷 (Imee Ooi)
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