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Imee Ooi 黄慧音

Producer / Director / Music Arranger / Composer / Vocalist

Malaysian music producer, composer, arranger and vocalist.

Founder of IMM Musicworks in 1997, Imee Ooi has now released more than 50 albums of her own, and has produced countless musical works for Buddhist societies and organizations around the world.


A devout Buddhist, Imee’s serenely pure voice and unique sense of musical arrangements has established her own genre, spreading the sounds of Dharma through Sutras, Mantras, and free composition that has transcended religious barriers and touched different cultures and age groups. Her music has also travelled to Europe and Russia, US and Canada, Australia and Africa, soothing and calming many hearts.


Imee’s works have also been regarded as a significant milestone in the development of Buddhist music. With a wide range of composition sung in seven different languages, “The Chant of Metta”, “ Om Mani Padme Hum”, “The Great Compassion Mantra” , “ The Prajna Paramita Hrdaya Sutra ” are among some of Imee’s most praised works. The composer and musical director of the musicals “Siddhartha”, “Above Full Moon- Master Hong Yi’s Biography ”, “Jewel of Tibet- Princess Wen Cheng ” and “ The Perfect Circle”, Imee is also the recipient for the Best Original Music and Music Director awards in the 2009 and 2010 Boh Cameronian Arts Awards musical theatre category.


To spread The Dharma through music has become the life destiny of Imee Ooi.




黄慧音的音乐和歌声,似乎在宇宙穿梭流淌的智慧之音,不断的抚慰着人间。 来自世界各角落的乐友歌迷一直在扩大中:

从中国各大名山寺院道场到德国的音乐节; 从美国弘法大会到缅甸国家英雄的追悼仪式;

从印度古城的共修到韩国都市的音乐会; 从南非孤儿院的课室到欧洲的禅修班;

从新加坡忧郁症疗所到马来西亚监狱囚犯的心灵辅导; 从阿根廷山脉上的祷告到西藏法王的祈愿文;

从印尼火山丘寺院早晚课到纽约天主教堂911事件的纪念日; 从日本电影片尾曲到意大利小提琴制造名家的收藏等。


为建设真善美的世界和净化社会人心尽一份力, 是慧音发愿一生的耕耘和奉献。

Imee Ooi’s Musical Works &

Dharma Concert Production

  • IMM MUSIC Catalog 55 albums(1998-2020)

  • Taiwan Wind Music Distribution Imee Ooi Series since 2003

  • Korea Contents Inc. Distribution Imee Ooi Series

  • Australia Blue Angel Distribution Imee Ooi Music For The Heart and Soul

  • South America Argentina The Chant Of Metta Distribution/ Spanish Version

  • HH Dalai Lama Sermon in USA by Land of Medicine Buddha 2001

  • BLIA Youth Conference Theme Songs

  • Sound Of The Human World –The Morning Prayer

  • Master Hsin Yun Buddhist Hymns compilation 1 and 2

  • Music Director of Master Hsin Yun Stadium Sermon Malaysia 2012

  • Various Albums by Reverend Xin Pei Taiwan

  • FGS Buddha Memorial Kao Shiong Opening Ceremony Animation Music- The Buddha

  • Numerous albums for FGS Publications since 2000

  • Song of poem by Master Sheng Yan Dharma Drum Taiwan

  • HH The 17th Karmapa song“ World Aspiration”

  • Taiwan Life TV Rev. Chuan Xi Chanting Series

  • Hong Kong Rev. Dhammapala Pali Chanting –Producer/Music arranger

  • Dong Lin Monastery China- Hymns of PurelandAlbum

  • Dong Lin Monastery China- Amitabha Chanting

  • Dong Lin Monastery China-Praises of the Ancients Master album

  • Stories of the Buddhas and Boddhisattvas album –China Jiang Xi

  • Hymns of the Pureland Concert with Shenzhen Orchestra and choir- Hui Zhou China

  • Pass It On Children Buddhist Songs Pass It On Children Buddhist Songs

  • TASHI Children Buddhist Song series

  • Sonan Rinpoche chanting of Guru Rinpoche and Medicine Buddha Mantra album

  • The Stories of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas

  • Chiyu- Heart Sutra/ Seri Devi Dharani -Composer

  • Composer/ Music Arranger/ Music Director of: Siddhartha The Musical, Princess Wen Cheng The Musical, Above Full Moon The Musical, The Perfect Circle The Musical, Kita The Musical World Tour .

  • Music Director of 50th Malaysia Merdeka Mega Show in KL Bukit Jalil Stadium.

  • Producer, director of Blessing Bell Buddhist Count Down concert 2013

  • Hannya Shingyo- Japanese Heart Sutra – theme song for movie

  • Soundtrack for Japan Gaia Symphony Gaia Symphony

  • The Perfect Japan (Anti Nuclear Campaign) Theme Song Kanpekina Nihon

  • Sound of Wisdom World Tour Concert (Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia)

  • Sadhu for The Music- ASEAN Buddhist Fellowship Concert 2016 (Esplanade Theatre Singapore)

  • Sound of Metta Concert 2016 ,2017 (Malaysia)

  • Zen Concert 2017 (Da Jue Temple / YiXing / SuZhou / China - FGS Home Monastery )

  • Sound of Wisdom 2 - HEAL Concert 2017 (Singapore, Malaysia)

  • Prajna Paramita – Heart Sutra concert 2018 (Malaysia)

  • Sadhu for The Music- Malaysia 2019

  • Sound of Metta Concert 2019 (Berkeley California, USA / Ashland Oregon, USA)

  • Prajna Paramita – Heart Sutra concert 2020 (Esplanade Theatre Singapore)

  • ​Master Shan Dao Pureland Buddhism Poem Album 2019

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佛教音乐制作/ 编写/ 唱诵作品:

  • 马来西亚愿愿音乐 55 张经咒佛乐个人专辑(1998-2020)

  • 台湾风潮音乐-自2003年代理《天女新世纪》黄慧音佛曲系列三十张

  • 韩国Contents Korea Inc.唱片代理黄慧音佛乐系列

  • 澳洲/新西兰Australia Blue Angel Distribution 澳洲Blue Angel/唱片代理黄慧音佛曲系列

  • 南美洲阿根廷慈经(西班牙文叙述)专辑代理

  • 2001年达赖喇嘛美国加州万人弘法大会《慈经》 主题音乐

  • 佛光山-世界佛光青年大会歌曲《佛教靠我》/《不朽的话说》/《携手同圆》。

  • 佛光山《人间音缘》欣赏曲---《晨祷》。

  • 《星云大师佛教圣歌选》专辑《一》与《二》

  • 《星云大师大马好》八万人体育馆露天弘法会--音乐制作/总监

  • 佛光山第七/第八任总住持心培和尚 ---《无尽愿,光无边》/《 人间菩提,人间般若》/ 花开禪心》/《醒悟》/《慈心念佛》/《自在念佛》专辑制作。

  • 佛光山-佛陀纪念馆 ---《人间佛陀》动画片音乐创作

  • 佛光文化《无剎不现身》/《光云曲》/《天雨花》专辑制作。

  • 法鼓山圣严法师 ---《四众佛子共勉语》作曲唱颂

  • 第十七世大宝法王鄔金钦列多杰祈愿文 ---《世界啊》中英文作曲唱颂

  • 台湾生命电视台 ---《传喜法师唱诵专辑系列》制作

  • 香港法护法师巴利文唱颂专辑制作

  • 中国净土宗祖庭东林寺 ---《极乐颂歌》专辑

  • 中国净土宗祖庭东林寺 ---《东林佛号》唱诵

  • 中国净土宗祖庭东林寺 ---《祖师礼赞》编写

  • 中国江西《佛菩萨的故事》节日歌曲专辑制作演唱

  • 深圳交响乐团/ 200人合唱团 《极乐颂歌》惠州演出

  • 新加坡《延续慧灯》儿童佛曲制作

  • 大士艺术音乐-儿童佛曲 专辑 ---《童心菩提心》/《红色的菩提吉祥》制作

  • 西藏索南仁波切 ---《 莲花生大士心咒》/《药师如来心咒》专辑

  • 齐豫佛曲专辑翻唱《 般若波罗蜜多心经》/《大吉祥天女咒》 作曲

  • 大型百老匯式音乐剧《释迦牟尼佛传》/《天心月圆-弘一大师传》/《文成公主音乐剧》世界巡迴共100多场。

  • 《圆满的生命》音乐剧(一),(二),(三)

  • 马来西亚50周年国庆体育馆大汇演《扎根50》音乐制作/音乐总监

  • 2013马来西亚跨年叩钟祈福大会-音乐制作/音乐总监

  • 日本电影片尾曲《日文心经》Hannya Shingyo演唱编写

  • 日本Gaia Symphony 电影配乐/插曲

  • 日本抗核运动Kanpekina Nihon主题曲

  • 北京国家会议中心“生命之源2017新年音乐会”演出嘉宾

  • 宜兴大觉寺/云湖西渚首届国际禅文化音乐艺术节 “禅门一日”-总策划/导演/演出嘉宾

  • “大爱无边”2018第三届香海跨年祈福禅乐盛典暨纪念太虚大师圆寂70周年

  • 净世慧音演唱会 (2015 马来西亚,2015 新加坡,2016 印尼,2019 香港)

  • 净世慧音 2 - HEAL(2017 马来西亚,2017 新加坡)

  • 慈音演唱会(2016-2018 马来西亚吉隆坡,柔佛,槟城&马六甲,2019 美国加州伯克利,美国俄勒冈州亚士兰)

  • ​心经演唱会(2017 吉隆坡, 2020 新加坡,2020 槟城)

  • Sadhu For The Music 礼赞梵乐演唱会(2016 新加坡,2019 马来西亚)

  • 2019 善导祖师净土诗偈专辑 《弥陀颂》



~ 以及无数计佛教团体活动,祖庭,旅游区,历史点介绍影片主题曲创作唱颂等

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Company address:

18-1, Jalan Medan Putra 4, Medan Putra Business Centre,

Bandar Sri Menjalara, 52200, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

WhatsApp: (+60) 11-1287 9139

© 2020 by I.M.M. Musicworks

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