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Chai Yu 蔡豫

Composer / Vocalist

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Join IMM Musicoworks since year 2005, Chai's dedication in Buddhism and talent in writing music and signing has made him a permanent work partner with Imee Ooi.

Chai Yu, being a dedicated and sincere Buddhist practitioner, delivers his music and chanting with abundance of compassion, solemnity and brightness. His works has received high recommendation from monks and nuns, fellow Buddhist and even non religious listeners.Spreading the Dharma and loving kindness to the people has become his life mission.



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Chai Yu's Music Composition

Vairocana Buddha Mantra · Peacock Yamashina Buddha Mantra · Maitreya Heart Mantra · Shurangama Mantra

Pureland Dharani · Sapta Jina Mantra · Medicine Buddha Dharani · Sakyamuni Mantra · Vajrasatva Mantra

Mantra of Guru Rinpoche Padmasambhava · Earth Store Bodhisattva Mantra · Hymns of Pureland


毗卢遮那佛大灌顶光真言 · 大孔雀明王心咒 · 弥勒佛心咒 · 楞严咒 · 往生咒 · 七佛灭罪真言 · 药师灌顶真言· 六字大明咒
地藏菩萨灭顶业真言 · 释迦牟尼佛心咒 · 金刚萨埵心咒 · 莲花生大士心咒 · 药师佛心咒· 地藏王菩萨真言 · message in music



Company address:

18-1, Jalan Medan Putra 4, Medan Putra Business Centre,

Bandar Sri Menjalara, 52200, Kepong, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

WhatsApp: (+60) 11-1287 9139

© 2020 by I.M.M. Musicworks

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