Spreading The Dharma through music and performing arts
Serving of a comprehensive professional
Buddhist Music Performance troupe
Providing high standard Buddhist music and
performance production
Cultivating new generation
in Buddhist music and performing arts
Continuation of a righteous livelihood
that adheres with The Dharma
Cultivation of contributing to a better and beautiful world
Testimonial 专业评价
Work Of Sincerity And Purity
Imee Ooi, and her 20 years of creative efforts in Buddhist music and theatre. In my opinion, Imee is the premier Buddhist composer in the world, it's hard to find anybody even close to second place; she is in a class by herself in terms of the sincerity and purity of her work.
Imee has never promoted herself as a performer, she has always let her 50+ music CDs speak for her. She has also collaborated in KL on five stage musical presentations, working with her talented friends to bring successful Buddhist theatrical works forward. Year 2015, Imee took a big step, she created "The Sound of Wisdom", a solo concert/event that I had the privilege to attend at the Istana Budaya in KL. The show was so powerful and moving that images from the performance still come to mind months later. I am convinced that Imee's show needs wider viewing. I think if Imee's work can travel, there will be great benefit for people who see and hear her music. She is the real thing; blessed with a great talent.
慧音从来没有当自己是一名演绎者,一直以来她都让那50张CD作品为她发声。她曾参与吉隆坡五部的音乐剧,并和有才华的朋友一起成功地带领佛教舞台剧往前跨出一步。2015年,慧音更迈出一大步,呈现了"净世慧音" ,一场让我有幸在吉隆坡文化宫参与的个人演奏。
这场演奏是如此的充满力量, 台上所表演的影像竟在数月后依旧历历在目。我坚信慧音的演奏需要让更多人看到。我想,倘若慧音的演奏能传播到各地,这将会让看到或听闻的观众有更大的利益。她非常实在,并拥有很优质的才华。
Rev. Heng Sure (Berkeley Buddhist Monastery/ Dharma Realm Buddhist University)
恆实法师 美国加州伯克莱佛寺/法界佛教大学 美国,澳洲
Merit Untold
For Dharma lovers and followers, supporting an Imee Ooi concert presents a unique opportunity to spread the sound of Wisdom. She has managed over the years, without aim to fame, name or gain, to catapult Dharma Sutras, Dharanis and Mantras in all the directions of our modern day world. Over 50,000,000 viewers on the internet have had their lives blessed by hearing the words of the Dharma and the Buddha through the means of Imee Ooi’s beautiful and healing music.
Imee Ooi is a living symbol of the Dharma for the layperson and monastic alike. A composer, director and singer serving our world with her divinely bestowed talent over nearly two decades.
Imee Ooi created her own recording labels and has reached levels beyond professional and artistic, where her mission is in complete adherence to the Dharma with an aim to benefit the earth, living beings and the environment. Supporting Imee Ooi’s concert to spread the Dharma to even farther spheres, the merit is untold.
Andrea Good - USA / Japan (Writer/ Dharma Practitioner)
安德烈. 固德 (音译) 美国/日本 (作家 / 佛法修持者)
Dramatic And Powerful
Imee brings an ethereal, modern sound to the great Buddhist chants and mantras. She has crafted a unique style that is evocative in touching the heart while inspiring its fundamental goodness. Her compositions are brilliantly pure and accessible to listeners of all backgrounds and ages. And the authenticity of the mantras and the original intentions they convey are deeply interwoven into superb musical arrangements. Imee’s stage performances are equally profound. Dramatic and powerful, they also express the great beauty and tranquility of deep compassion and the aspiration to be free from suffering.
84,000 palms together in gratitude for this work of devotion and the luminous compassion Imee shares through her gifts. May the sound that Imee has brought to us flourish and reach every ear yearning for comfort, beauty and freedom.
Chris Berlin
Instructor in Ministry and Spiritual Care and Counseling,
Denominational Counselor to Buddhist Students Office of Ministry Studies Harvard Divinity School Cambridge,
MA 02138 , USA
克里斯. 柏林 (音译)
宗教,心灵保护与谘询部教练, 学生佛教宗派谘询, 宗教研究部哈佛神学院,剑桥,MA02138,美国
Fullest Of Time
Imee Ooi is gifted with deep appreciation of Eastern and Western musical masters. Her unswerving instinct in creating melodies for chanting ancient mantras and sutras is unique on this planet. She sings and composes with authority, the authority that cannot be learned at academy, but rather comes from the first-hand experience of Being / Creation, the authority that comes from experiencing first-hand the power of Bodhi, from ways of Buddha, in daily life.
As a very-experienced musician in contemporary Holy Spirit music over 40 years, I know what is real and what is just marketing. Imee Ooi only does the real stuff. If new music in the temples (in which she has done plenty) reaches to try to include those outside the walls, then new music outside those walls may reach into the temples, to give authority back to those who are not so sure why they keep going. What is a revolution of Metta? The best one. And now, this is the fullness of time.
身为40多年富有经验的当代圣灵音乐家,我深知什麽是真实的,而什麽是营销。慧音仅仅是在做着真实的事。倘若寺院的新音乐(她已经做了很多),试图把外界的音乐也一併涵盖,那外界的新音乐也同样能进入寺院,这能给予那些不确定为什麽要坚持下去的人一种力量。那什麽是慈心的革命?或许最好的此刻,就是这圆满的时刻 。
Peter Moffitt (New Jersey, NY, USA - Music Director /Composer /Sound Specialist /Jazz Pianist)
彼得.莫菲特(音译) 纽泽西 纽约 美国 音乐总监 /作曲家 / 音响专家 / 爵士钢琴家